Hi there! PicnicSunday Vintage has been up and running selling handpicked vintage online since 2011. My name is Wei Ling and I currently reside in Pittsburgh, USA (though PicnicSunday mails out from Singapore!). I spent many a day here hunting every nook and cranny for lovely vintage pieces for PicnicSunday Vintage and our customers! I love finding unique vintage pieces that fit well with interesting prints.
We used to release pieces by collection, but now we release a one to a few new pieces every week! Follow us on instagram or on facebook to be the first to know when new items are added to the store or when the shop has a sale or special discount codes!
We sometimes do pop ups at Public Garden fleas as well! Follow our social media to find out more on when we will be doing an event.
On a more personal note, I love sushi, swimming, travelling, thrift and vintage shopping, and making my husband take stupid photos.
Thanks for your patronage! Feel free to contact me about anything at weiling[at]picnicsunday[dot]com or use the form over at the Contact page.